Komala Lyra
Aliveness is risky.
Being porous, receiving Life without references, navigating life-death spirals,
creating and letting go is inevitably daring and uncertain.
Dissolving into source again and again is the essence of what I share.
Feeling the body as a channel of consciousness, continuously refining sensitivity through present awareness, vibrating Eros in orgasmic expression, trusting the essential qualities of body-heart aligned with Soul-Spirit-Fire as the journey of remembrance.
Are you at the point of no-return?
June 2-8 . August 4-10 . October 10-18
Medicine Eros Love Touch
Bridging polarities, opening to invisible realms
while grounding our erotic nature in daily life.
Exploring the body as a channel
for revelations of soul and spirit.
Expanding our energetic capacity, merging with LIFE,
in remembrance of source, through the waves of change.
MELT supports our practice of remembering wholeness, integrating body-heart-soul-spirit.​
Are you curious? ​
Remembrance of source, that which cannot be forgotten, infinite space beyond understanding.
SAMA has a wide range of translations from many languages: from the vastness of sky to calmness of mind, from melody to the name of Buddha in a past life, from rituals of Sufism to gathering for pleasure, from honoring someone to sharing, from the image of an elephant to water, from floating with life to breathing… all significant to the contents embraced through this offer, including all expressions of art and sensuality.
SAMA combines online & residential programs for individuals, couples and groups involved with community and creative projects.
​July 20-26 . ITALY​
Relating represents the core impulse that beamed us into a body.
Sexual desire is the link with the place where we come from!
We may call it void, bliss, infinity, light, cosmos...
Conscious sexuality has the power to activate this imprint. Beginning and ending. Full circle.
Spiral of LIFE. Birth & death.
Once we loose connection with our sexual instinct,
we disconnected from our source of power.
Thus, we long for something we feel long forgotten, or lost.
The fire of sexuality is remembrance.
This remembrance is activated through the body of pleasure.
It sparks Eros, individuality, intelligence, creativity, radiance, joy and more...
Would you like to live at orgasmic pace?​
The power of feminine resides inside... What are HER qualities?
How does SHE vibrate? Express? Communicate? Feel? Merge? Dance?
​Beyond genders, SHE is alive...
When we walk on planet Earth with graceful care, honoring naturalness, spontaneity, beauty...
When WOMAN becomes W-HUMAN.​
A ground for expressive exploration, self-discovery, collaboration, creativity, and nourishment of body-heart-soul.